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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Week 6 Why Marriage and Family Matter - Everywhere in the World

This week we will be discussing Elder Perry's talk : Why Marriage and Family Matter - Everywhere in the World

Next week we will be discussing Elder Oaks' talk: The Parable of the Sower

Why Marriage and the Family Matter:

Elder Perry talks about being invited to the Vatican with leaders of other religions to discuss the importance of Marriage and the family.  He quotes Pope Francis, "We now live in a culture of the temporary, in which more and more people are simply giving up on marriage as a public commitment. This revolution in manners and morals has often flown the flag of freedom, but in fact it has brought spiritual and material devastation to countless human beings, especially the poorest and most vulnerable. ...It is always they who suffer the most in this crisis,"

Elder Perry encourages us to follow Pope Francis' words to be 'revolutionaries with the courage to seek true and lasting love, going against the common pattern.' I feel like we are truly alone in finding the lasting true love, compared to the short-lived love that the media portrays as important.

He tells us of how in the meetings that marriage and family-centered priorities cut across and superseded any political, economic, or religious differences. "When it come to love of spouse and hopes, worries, and dreams for children, we are all the same.

It is refreshing to be reminded that the beliefs of family and marriage are shared by many, not just of our faith. We are not alone in this.

Elder Perry then takes a turn in his talk, to discuss what makes our church different from all these other religions. The difference is that we have the eternal perspective of the restored gospel.  He states that 'We make the subject (Marriage and Family) Eternal!'

He reminds us that the entire theology of our restored gospel centers on families and on the new and everlasting covenant of marriage.

I also like when he says, 'No one has ever come up with a more efficient way to raise the next generation than a household of married parents with children.'

Our marriages matter, and we need to remember that is isn't just between husband and wife, but it is a matter of the whole family. It is the best structure for all in the family. To be raised by a married mother and father.

He quotes columnist David Broods, "People are not better off when they are given maximum personal freedom to do what they want. They're better off when they are enshrouded in commitments that transcend personal choice - commitments to family, God, craft and country."

He helps us to remember that we are the majority. Those who believe in marriage and family are the majority, contrary to what the media portrays. The restored gospel centers on marriage and family. We would do well to remember that.

This next week, lets remind ourselves of the blessings of our family, and our marriages. I challenge you to focus on your family, if you already don't. Remember that this gospel is centered on the family and so should we.

Have a great week!


Sunday, May 31, 2015

Week 5 'We'll Ascend Together'

Yes, I know I am a few weeks late, we were traveling pretty much the whole month of  May and I got off routine. But no worries, I'm back!

If you are new here, you can see the first post here. Last time I posted, you can see it here

This past week month we studied Sister Burton's talk: We'll Ascend Together

As I am sure you have all heard, Our beloved Elder Perry passed away yesterday. So in honor of him, we will review his talk from this past conference: Why Marriage and Family Matter - Everywhere in the World, for our discussion next week.

Alright, so for Sister Burton's talk:

Sister Burton begins by telling us how our Prophets and Apostles have treated their spouse. How they are so kind and loving towards them. We need to be so grateful for our beloved ones. They are so dear to us.

Sister Burton's talk reminds us of the divine roll of Father, and Mothers. But focusing on Fathers, it is a great reminder of their rolls, and how wives, and mothers, and women can work in compatibility with them.

She quotes President Benson:

"Oh, husbands and fathers in Israel, you can do so much for the salvation and exaltation of your families! Remember your sacred calling as a father in Israel - your most important calling in time and eternity - a calling from which you will never be released. You must help create a home where the Spirit of the Lord can abide."

A very good reminder for all of us!

She talks about the false messages of fathers in the world. One false message is "It's all about me" and another wrong message is that husbands and fathers are not needed.  How wrong these are!  Good Fathers and Husbands are needed!

She then talks how Husbands and Wives, mothers and fathers, men and women need to complement each other, and not compete with each other. She quotes the proverb, "Thee lift me and I'll lift thee, and we'll ascend together."

She mentions the example of our hands. How they are similar to each other but not exactly the same. In fact, they are opposites, but they complement each other and are suited to each other. Working together they are stronger. This is true for us as men and women. We are not the exact same, but working together we are stronger.

Her next section is ' Let us oft speak kind words to each other'.  What a good reminder to always speak kindly to those around us, especially our spouse!  she asks, "How often do we intentionally speak kind words to each other?"

She brings up 5 questions we can ask ourselves to better evaluate this in ourselves. I would challenge you to seriously ponder these questions. If these questions make us feel a tinge of guilt, or make us squirm, that is the spirit warning us of danger and protection from additional damage. Let us work toward being better at speaking kind words to each other.

Here are the questions:
1. When was the last time I sincerely praised my companion, either alone or in the presence of our children?
2. When was the last time I thanked, expressed love for, or earnestly pleaded in faith for him or her in prayer?
3. When was the last time I stopped myself from saying something I knew could be hurtful?
4. When was the last time I apologized and humbly asked for forgiveness--without adding the words "but if only you had" or "but if only you hadn't"?
5. When was the last time I chose to be happy rather than demanding to be "right"?

Sister Burton asks us, "Will you join me in seeking the help of the Holy Ghost to teach us how we can better lift each other in our complementary roles as covenant sons and daughters of our loving heavenly parents?"

I challenge you to answer these questions, then seek the help of the Holy Ghost to better lift each other.

Have a great week, and don't forget to study Elder Perry's talk this week:
Why Marriage and Family Matter - Everywhere in the World

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Week 4: The Plan of Happiness

Hope you had a wonderful week! and were reminded about the real Plan of Happiness for us! If you are new this week, you can read the beginning of the Conference Challenge here, Or if you would like to see last weeks discussion, you can go here.

For this discussion we will be reviewing President Packard's talk: The Plan of Happiness 

For next week we will be studying Sister Burton's talk: We'll Ascend Together

So for 'The Plan of Happiness'
President Packard begins by expressing that having families and children is not an 'incidental part of the plan' it is the plan of happiness; it is the key to happiness' 

Its important to remember this, as we might get caught up in the day to day doings, and with children sometimes its easy to forget that families are THE Plan of Happiness. Nothing else matters, nothing else is as important. 

He talks about the mature love that married couples can develop. "Married couples are tried by temptation, misunderstandings, financial problems, family crises, and illness, and all the while love grows stronger. Mature love has a bliss not even imagined by newlyweds."

I can see the truth of this even in my short almost 6 years of marriage. I definitely love my husband more and deeper than I did when we first met and fell in love. Our love is growing, as it should be. 

He teaches that the power of procreation should only be used between a man and a woman, who are married. He talks of the miracle of birth and the coming of physical and spiritual parts to form our souls and who we are on earth. 

He also comments on repentance that, "when the repentance process is complete, no scars remain because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ." This is always a good reminder. And it applies to all degrees of repentance. The more serious sins, and the smaller sins. We all are in need of repentance and the Atonement provided by our Savior. 

President Packer is not ignorant of everyone's trials, and differences. He talks about how having children, or being married, might not happen for everyone. He says, "God is our Father! All the love and generosity manifest in the ideal earthly father is magnified in Him who is our Father and our God beyond the capacity of the mortal mind to comprehend. His judgments are just; His mercy without limit; His power to compensate beyond any earthly comparison." 

How wonderful to be reminded of this again. Our Father in Heaven truly loves us and He is understanding of our own situations and trials. Whatever our situation, He knows and He will still bless us according to our faith and obedience. 

I am grateful to have reread this talk. It has helped me to remember that families are the most important part of the Plan of Happiness. Families ARE the Plan of Happiness. And I am so grateful for my wonderful family!

Hope you felt uplifted and enlightened. Thanks for reading!  Have a great week, and see you next Sunday!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week 3 Conference Study

Its been another uplifting week studying talks from General Conference. You can read last week's discussion here.

If you are new, you can read the intro here.

So for this week, we are reviewing President Eyring's talk: Is Not this the Fast That I have Chosen?

And for this coming week, go ahead and study President Packard's talk: The Plan of Happiness and we will discuss it next week, May 3rd. 

Alright, so on to the discussion from President Eyring's talk, 'Is Not this the Fast That I have Chosen?'

President Eyring starts his talk quoting the scripture where we learn 'Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me' Which is his main point throughout his talk, on the fast. I feel this was a perfect week to study this principle of the Fast. 

He reminds us that this is actually a very simple commandment, that even a child can understand it. To fast, at least once a month, and to give a generous fast offering. He reminds us who this money helps: maybe someone in your ward, or even your family.  Any amount not needed in your local Church unit, will then become available to bless other members around the world who are in need. 

Being here in Ohio, I have definitely learned this.  For our ward, the fast offerings given in the ward, only cover about a 10th of what is needed in our ward boundaries. Members take turns buying the food for the families in need, and they help to put it together and then deliver the food. I haven't had the opportunity to work so closely with this process before. Its incredible to see the fast offering put to such good use, and to those in the area. In our ward, we constantly need even more than what is given in our local fast offering, so when other wards have excess, little wards like ours, can get the help we need. 

President Eyring reminds us of the blessings attached to the fast: Inspiration and spiritual guidance, closeness to our Heavenly Father, receive inspiration, greater capacity to resist temptation, become healthier, receive glory of the Lord, prayers answered, and so much more. This would be an interesting topic to study in the scriptures too, to find out all that we are promised for following the law of the Fast. 

This talk is so timely. With the earthquakes that have happened in Nepal, I know I want to help, but have been not sure how. Well, here is a way.  Through the Fast. President Eyring talks about fast offerings and his experience through the Category 5 storm in the Pacific Island a few years ago. How fasting for those in need, and giving a generous Fast offering, can help those that we might not be able to physically go and help. 

I feel that the fast, is something I have always struggled with. Since being married, I have been pregnant or nursing a baby a lot, and so haven't been able to do a full 24-hour fast for a while. But now that my youngest isn't nursing anymore, I have an opportunity to participate more. I am glad I reread this talk to remind me of all the blessings that can come from fasting and how we can help so many others through it. In the Book of Mormon, we have been reading in 3rd Nephi and today I read some verses on the fast. We are not supposed to look all sad, and hungry when fasting, so everyone knows we are fasting. But instead we are supposed to put on a happy face and smile, so that only God knows we are fasting. For this is an act for God, not for the sympathies of man. 

Another concept that President Eyring brings up, is teaching children. Many young children are unable to do a 24 hour fast. Yes, I agree with that. I can only imagine what would happen if I didn't feed my adorable eating machines. :)  

He emphasizes that we need to teach children the principle of the fast, even if they can't actually complete it. And we can do that through being examples and reminding them of the purpose and blessing behind the fast. We try do this with our children. When fasting we remember to pray with our children and mention our fast. We might have to remind them we are fasting, especially when we are offered candy from sticky fingers. But I can see how the principle of fasting is slowly being learned from the little ones. This principle can be taught when they are very young, so that when they are older they can make this decision themselves, understanding the underlying principles.

I hope you received new insight from learning about the importance of the Fast. and just in time for next week. We can now be better prepared for this coming fast, May 3rd. 

Hope you have a great week. See you next week!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 2 Weekly Conference Study

Its been another week into our weekly study challenge. How are things going?  If you are new, you can jump right in with this week, or you can check out the start here.

We are enjoying springtime here as we are getting warmer and warmer days. Its nice to read a talk while outside in the sun!

So this week we are talking about 

Defenders of the Family Proclamation By: Bonnie L. Oscarson
The Comforter By: President Henry B. Eyring

And for next week, we will study another one from President Eyring.
Is Not This the Fast That I Have Chosen

So, for some thoughts on Sister Oscarson's talk:

She tells a story about Marie Madeline Cardon. Who confronted an angry mob of men. Marie raised her Bible up and commanded them to depart. The mob left in shame, fear, and remorse.  Marie was only 17 or 18 years old. I can't even imagine having that kind of strength and courage. Yet we need to. We need to have that strength and courage in defending the doctrine of families, and marriage. I can be scary, I know. But we can do it with love and respect for those around us.

One of my favorite quotes from the talk is, "We need to teach our [children] to aim for the ideal but plan for contingencies" Meaning, aim for the temple marriage with children, but understand that may not happen. To study or prepare for other things that may happen. If that personally means getting a degree, starting a career, or maybe we want/need to adopt children, that is fine, and great!  We need to do our best, with the path the Lord has given us.

Sister Oscarson asks, "Do we also teach our sons and daughters there is no greater honor, no more elevated title, and no more important role in this life than that of mother or father?"
I really love this. The world today seems to diminish the importance of mothers and fathers, and to make it appear that no one would choose to be a mother or father. That is so wrong. We need to show people how great it is to be mothers and fathers. I know I am not always great at this, as I complain about being at home with the kids sometimes. But we need to tell and show others the happy times we have with our children. We have happy times with our children, why not let the world know?  Help the world know that being mothers and fathers is wonderful!

I also like how she encourages us all to take the roll of homemaker and elevate it. To "make our home places of order, refuge, holiness, and safety." This is not a role just for women, but for all. For the Home is a sacred place, second only to the temple in holiness.

Alright, next onto President Eyring's talk: 'The Comforter'
President Eyring's talk is all about our responsibility to be a comforter to those around us. when we received the Holy Ghost, we were given the 'power to help lighten those loads' of those who need comfort, and help.  To better serve those who need the comfort, we need to better understand the blessing of the Atonement, and the our Savior truly knows our suffering. He suffered for us, that he can also help to comfort us, through the Holy Ghost.

President Eyring quoted my favorite quote: John 14:27 which reads, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be trouble, neither let it be afraid."
I love this scripture because we cannot find that true peace with things of the world. The only way is through the Savior and the Holy Ghost.

We can have our burdens lightened and our heavy loads lessened. President Eyring said, "The Father and the Son send the Holy Ghost to comfort and strengthen disciples of the Master in their journey." We can always turn to Him, to be strengthened in our time of need. I know I need to be better at turning more quickly to prayer in time of need. I know we can receive the strength and courage to make it through our trials, if we would but turn to Him.

President Eyring ends by reminding us of the Motto for Relief Society, which is: Charity Never Faileth.  We got the name of our Blog from this very motto. there is Strength in Charity. There is strength in loving and comforting those that stand in need of comfort. We have been commanded to "mourn with those that mourn... and comfort those that stand in need of comfort"  When we do this, we will receive the comfort that we need. We can receive the calm and peace that only He can give.

Thanks for visiting this week, I hope you have been uplifted. I hope you can now better remember what we have learned in General Conference. Don't forget to study President Eyring's other talk for nest week!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Week 1 Recap

Thanks for joining us for our General Conference Challenge! So, how did the week go?  Were you able to squeeze in the time to study these two talks from the General Women's Meeting?  

I know its hard to find the time, but it is possible. A few minutes here and there, then the whole talk can be read and studied. 

This coming week we will be reading the other talks from the General Women's Meeting:

Defenders of the Family Proclamation By: Bonnie L. Oscarson
The Comforter By: President Henry B. Eyring

We will meet again next week, to discuss those talks. 

Now, for the discussion on this past week's reading:

For Sister Esplin's Talk : Filling our Homes with Light and Truth.

"Satan knows that in order for us and our families to withstand the pressures  othe world, we must be filled with light and gospel truth. So he does   everything in his power to dilute, distort,and destroy the truth of the gospel   and to keep us separated from that truth."

Isn't this so true?  When I feel I don't have time for reading the scriptures and such, I really am just being distracted from the truth and light. Satan distorts the truth we know of, through media, friends, and other sources. But if we really fill our cups full of the light and truth, then there isn't room for the other distractions. 

 "With the privilege of that gift [the Holy Ghost] comes the responsibility to seek truth, to live the truth we know, and toshare and defend the truth." 
We really have that responsibility to seek, live and share the truth. Are we really doing that? Could we be doing better?

"Families are the Lord’s workshop on earth to help us learn and live the   gospel. We come into our families with sacred duty to help strengthen  each other spiritually.
Strong eternal families and Spirit filled homes do not just happen. They take great effort, they take time, and   they take each member of the family doing his or her part. Every home is   different, but every home where even one individual seeks for truth can  make difference."
I love this because of what it's really telling us. You know how you can be so frustrated at family members for various reasons? Well, that's one of the points we are in families!  Families are the workshops where we learn to live the gospel. Know how you had to forgive your brother for picking on you, a thousand times? well, now you should know how to forgive!  Families are the perfect place for us to learn the gospel truths, and that is one of the reasons why they are so important. That doesn't mean its always easy to be in a family. As we all know. Family relationships can be tricky. Whether that is with a spouse, child, sibling.  But we can all be better because of those around us and the effort we put forth into our families. Ok, next talk.  
The Family is of God, by Sister Stephens:
"But through my personal tests and trials—the ones that have brought me to my knees—I have become well acquainted with the One who does understand, He who  was “acquainted with grief,”6 who experienced all and understands all. "
Even though we may not understand other's trials, or feel no on understands ours, there is someone who can. Our Savior. Our Redeemer. He died and suffered, and felt all of our pains and afflictions. We can always turn to Him, to find the support and understanding that we desire. 
"Our opportunity as covenant-keeping daughters of God is not just to learn from our own challenges;  it is to unite in empathy and compassion as we support other members of the family of God in their struggles, as we have covenanted to do."
I like this, because its easy to get caught up in our own problems and not understand what other people are going through. But we need to show that empathy to others and that compassion. Loving others, even in all of their struggles.
"As we use our time in mortality to study and apply the Savior’s teachings, we become more like Him. We come to understand that He is the way— the only way we can overcome mortal challenges,be healed, and return back to our  heavenly home."
This is just a general good reminder. When we follow His teachings, we understand that He is the Only Way to return to our heavenly home. And that through Him, we can be healed. 
I really loved these two talks, and the emphasis on families. Both our mortal families and our eternal families. I love my family and I am grateful for all that I have learned, and have yet to learn from them. 
Thanks for reading, I hope you have a good week, and come back next week for the discussion on the next two talks!